Part 1: Course Information
Class Time and Location: Online Asynchronous
Xiaomeng Jin
Department of Environmental Sciences
Office: ENR 230
Office Hour: TBD
Part 2: Overview
This course will introduce data analysis techniques for applications in environmental sciences. The course will teach students scientific programming in Python, statistical analysis, visualization, spatial analysis techniques that are commonly used to process and interpret environmental datasets. The course is designed to be accessible for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in environmental sciences or other related disciplines.
Part 3: Course Structure
Format: This is an online asynchronous course, meaning that we do not ‘meet’, not even via the web. Therefore, you decide when to do the work. To prevent you from procrastinating too much, you will have an assignment due each week for the first 12 weeks. Your assignment each week is to follow the instructions to complete a Jupyter notebook. By the end of the semester, you should have a notebook collection that you can use as coding recipe for your final project and your future research/work.
Textbook: There is no required textbook. All materials will come from free online resources and the course website itself.
Computers: Students will have the option to use their laptop, Amarel (the university’s high performance computing cluster), or Google’s Colaboratory ( to work on their assignments and final project.
Part 4: Grading Policy
Weekly Assignments (70%)
Type 1: Python Programming
• Total: 100
• All questions complete: 50
• All questions correct: 30
• Clean, elegant, efficient code: rate between 0 and 10
• Clear comments and explanations: rate between 0 and 10
Type 2: Weekly Quiz
• Multiple choice or short answer questions
Lowest grade on an assignment will be dropped.
Final Project (30%)
The goal of the final project is to assess your ability to combine and apply the skills you have learned in class in the context of a real-world research problem. Our class has mostly focused on tools for environmental data analysis, so this must be the focus of your final project. Specifically, we seek to assess your ability to do the following tasks:
• Discover and download real datasets in standard formats (e.g. CSV, netCDF)
• Load the data into pandas or xarray, performing any necessary data cleanup (dealing with missing values, proper time encoding, etc.) along the way.
• Perform realistic scientific calculation involving, for example tasks such as data grouping, aggregating, correlation analysis, trend analysis.
• Visualize your results in well-formatted plots.
• Clearly document your analysis to make it reproducible.
• Publish your final project as a GitHub repository.
• Total: 100
• Data: 30
• Statistical analysis: 30
• Visualization: 20
• Clean, efficient, reproducible code: 20